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EnglishMania Group Classes

NOTE! The Group Classes service is unavailable at the moment.

As previously announced, EnglishMania has recently launched Group Classes & Webinars service! This is a brand new interactive service designed to further improve your online learning experience. We’ll be utilising the latest E-learning technologies to create a fully functional educational environment, in which small groups of people will have a great opportunity to discuss interesting topics, share opinions and experiences and hear the point of view of people from different countries and cultures.

Our main aim is always to help you improve your English; however, these online lessons will also provide valuable experience in the usage and format of online Webinars – a business tool that is widely used by modern companies to run international meetings.


Our Group Classes service is free of charge. At at the moment, it is only available for "Advanced" and "Intermediate" students who have already subscribed to a full course or on an unlimited plan.

group classes new gadgets group classes healthy lifestyle group classes traveling
group classes movies group classes online dating group classes free talking
group classes information technology group classes news sourses group classes budgets

Recent classes:

  • "Traveling". Do you travel? Where have you been? Good things and bad things about traveling?
  • "New gadgets". Which modern gadgets have caught your attention recently? Have you bought any? What are the latest trends in the world of gadgets?
  • "Online dating". Have you ever tried dating websites? Share your experience.
  • "Movies". New releases, movie genres. Watching movies at home vs. cinema.
  • "Free talking". Today we talk about anything you choose!
  • "Healthy lifestyle". Do you think you live a healthy lifestyle? Ways to live healthier.
  • "Budgets". Are you good at budgeting? How to live on a budget.

Also, we'd like to know which sort of topics you'd be interested in discussing. Please share it with us!

Which topics would you like to discuss in the future?