
The Lottery Winner (audiobook)

Emma Carter, an elderly woman, purchases a new pair of shoes, which although inexpensive, brings her great satisfaction. As she makes her way home, Emma is suddenly attacked by a young man named Jason Williams, who strikes her on the head and steals her bag. Jason, who is twenty-two and still lives with his parents, has made a habit of stealing as his sole occupation.


The Ugly Duckling (audiobook)

In the woods, a duck settled on her eggs and remained there for a considerable time. Eventually, the eggs hatched and several ducklings emerged, but one egg remained unhatched. Without hesitation, the mother duck returned to her nest and patiently waited for the egg to hatch. When it did, a large and peculiar-looking duckling appeared. Despite its odd appearance, the mother duck accepted the duckling as her own.


Enunciate! :) (The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof)

A very funny video of the Dark knight and Joker during the interrogation scene. This spoof is a perfect example why we need to enunciate when we speak in English. Just for laughs! Enjoy watching! :)

Video by: Monkey and Apple on Youtube


It's time for your English Pronunciation Practice!

90% Of People Can't Pronounce This Whole Poem. You Have To Try It.

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.

After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labor to reading six lines aloud.



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