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Don't have an account yet?
Then apply for the trial class now!

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Trial Class Application

Please check your email! We have emailed you your account details and the class booking instructions.

If you don't get this email within 5 minutes, then check the 'SPAM' folder of your email application - sometimes the registration emails can be blocked by spam filters.

If you have any questions related to your account, the trial class or the booking process, then please email them to [email protected]

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
First name *
Last name *
Email *
Verify email *
Skype ID *
Promocode (if any)


We want to make learning English affordable; one regular 45mins class with a personal teacher costs from USD4.5 to USD8 depending on the payment scheme. The student can choose from four different payment schemes; pay per class/session, pay half of the course, pay the entire course in advance or get the "unlimited" plan. The more classes you pay for in advance the greater the saving:

per classhalf coursefull courseunlimited
 10 8 9 7 8 6from

More information regarding the pricing schemes can be found at the [Courses list] section.

Additionally, every new user may avail the 5% discount: [DETAILS]

Shortly after the trial class you will receive an automatic email notification with the information regarding the recommended program and the payment options. Example:

From: auto@english-mania
Subj: EnglishMania - trial class results

Hello, John Doe!

Based on results of the trial class, the teacher has recommended to you the "Beginner, Level 1" program.

You can find more details and check the payment options at: http://english-mania.com/courses/english-course-online-beginner-level-1

All payments are processed via PayPal to ensure security. During the payment process you can choose if you want to create Paypal account or just simply pay by a credit card (without Paypal account). The purchased classes will be automatically credited to your EnglishMania account right after the payment is completed by PayPal.